
Sweet and Sour

That pretty much describes the personalities of my two cats.  Barnabus is the sweetest cat I have ever owned (and that is saying something if you know how many cats I have had...).  He is a little bashful around strangers, but he is full of love for people he likes.  Every morning on my way to the barn to feed all the animals he stops three or four times to be petted.  In contrast, Rex (aka O'Beast, Bad Cat) runs straight to the barn and meows the whole way.  In fact, from the time I get home from work he is at my feet meowing to make sure I know it is food time.  To be fair, Rex is not really a bad cat, he is just loud and a little bit bossy.  But I love them both.  :)  Can you tell which one is which?

1 comment:

  1. Your cats are definitely some of my favorite cats and they each have really cool qualities. My cat just bites my toes and hides mysteriously in my room when I'm not home...he's a creep.
